Thursday, December 31, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
..Eid MiLad..
selamat hari lahir kepada adik bongsu dalam keluarga liqa' fikri kita iaitu Ahmad Naqiuddin.
maaf post ini agak kelewatan kerana kekangan internet.
semoga diredhai Allah sentiasa hendaknya.
Monday, December 21, 2009
~mY speCial fRiends~
because we're friends..
there is no value that can be placed on our friendship...
it cannot be measured.
A friendship like ours could never be bought with money or even promises.
to me,
it's a treasure in itself.
i'm so thankful for our feelings of closeness..
of personal regard and respect.
i'm glad for the experiences,
we've spent together..learning and growing..and then sharing
what we've learned with the world.
our friendship will always be one of the truly special parts of my life..
and while I don’t say this everyday.
maybe that’s good ..
because if I said it everyday,
I wouldn’t mean as much as it does in moments like this,
I’m glad we’re friends.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
::saLam maaL hijrah::
bumi mekah seakan menghimpit
mengancam nyawa risalah langit
ketika itu turun perintah
untuk berhijrah ke kota harapan
pergi bukan bererti mundur
tapi menyusun langkah teratur
demi mencapai matlamat agung
membawa rahmat ke seluruh alam
satu muharam detik bersejarah
dimasa umat telah berhijrah
dari kota mekah ke kota madinah
tinggal segala harta keluarga
sahabat handai dan yang tercinta
tiada yang lebih berharga
selain iman yang sejahtera
kerananya sanggup berkorban
harta dan nyawa watan tercinta
kerana ikatan ukhuwah fillah
mengatasi ikatan saudara
kaum ansar mendakap rasul
dan muhajirin sujud bersyukur
disinilah ketabahan
umat islam diuji....
Monday, November 23, 2009
::saLam aidiladha::
Sunday, November 15, 2009
::meMori seM3::
::selaMat hari lahir::
Sunday, November 1, 2009
fiNaL eXam!!!!!
Assalamualaikum wbt. hurm... seems that every1 is having exam fever ( or facebook fever?hehe.. ) then, i would like to share something. examination tips. do we need it? yep. for sure! The first and foremost tip to do before taking an examination is to have a good night sleep a night before the actual day of your test. And avoid waking up late so that you will have a time to take a shower and to eat a breakfast. Your breakfast choice should not be heavy because you do not want to be disturbed by “call of nature” during your test. hehe...
I recommend eating the usual breakfast that you are used to eat or something like oatmeal and a banana or a sandwich and a cup of your usual morning beverage. ( although i'm the one who neglect breakfast.err... ) then, you should now check the things that you need to bring on your exam like extra pen, pencil etc and also handset (if allowed.haha..).
And unless you have several extra hours to spend reading before the exam schedule, refrain from bringing books and other reading materials. Instead, take time to relax so that you can be more productive during the actual exam.
last but not least, good luck everyone! may Allah bless all of us! amiin~